The More I Give!

The More I Give, the more I receive.

This may be true, yet it may also be untrue.

Giving & receiving and more & less are both a duality.

A relative duality is not an absolute truth.

It is the experience of a dual reality world where both truth & untruth exist.

Attraction is an absolute law, not a relative law.

Like energy is drawn unto itself, absolutely.

It is the energy with which I give & receive, more of or less of, that determines the focus of my attraction.

My kindness may attract either generosity or envy, as will my envy either attract jealousy or kindness.

I will get more or less of whatever I give depending on the vibration of my intention.

It is the magnitude of my appreciation and my approval of the emotion with which I relate to another that is most attractive, not the amount that is being given or received.

What is being given & received is always less important than who I am being whilst the transaction is occurring.

The more of my Self that I give is relevant, how much I give is not.