Three Laws of Dual Reality Life

1st Law of Duality

“Resistance experienced is relative to the degree that an emotional state of being is out of balance”

The more that an emotional state of being has a balanced wavelength of gender with a balanced frequency of polarity, the less intense the resistance that is experienced.

2nd Law of Duality

“Where resistance is caused by the opposing aspects of the same energy vibration, there is always a third way that cancels out any dramatic effect”

Dual reality allows choice, which always allows a third option to be available. Whenever opposing forces of the same energy vibration are experienced, there is always a balance between the extremes of the two experiences.

3rd Law of Duality

“The intensity and the extent of a dramatic effect is caused by the degree of conviction with which a particular belief is held and the emotional need that is created by it”

Duality allows choice that allows a belief to be true or false, good or bad, right or wrong, positive or negative with male or female characteristics. False convictions are called fears or limiting beliefs that disconnect our emotional energy supply and create our emotional needs and our negative reactions to dramatic experiences.