Life & Death

Life & Death is a duality.

The dual reality of life & death is relative to individual perspective.

I can see life as happening to me, by me, through me or as me.

I can also see death as something that happens to me, by me, through me or as me.

When I see death as something that happens to me, it can be accidental, suspicious or natural.

A doctor certifies the cause of death and a coroner is appointed to determine the cause of a suspicious or accidental death.

When I see death as something that happens by me it is called suicide.

An assisted suicide is called euthanasia.

When I see death as something that happens through me, I am approving, allowing & accepting that my journey through this lifetime is complete.

My vision, mission & purpose in life is fulfilled.

When death occurs as me, I choose my time & place to pass on to my next life in my eternal journey of the Soul.