Vagrance & Extravagrance

Vagrance is the state of having less than enough.

It is being in scarcity with too little of everything.

A Vagrant is one who has few possessions & no permanent home.

They have less than is the norm in their society.

A Vagrant may be a wanderer but a wanderer or a Nomad may not be a Vagrant.

Extravagance is the state of having more than enough.

It is being in gluttony with too much of everything.

A glutton is one who is extravagrant in lifestyle & material possessions, not just food.

It is having much more than what their society considers to be enough.

Both vagrance & extravagrance are judgments made by others about others.

No one ever considers their self to be either vagrant or extravagant.

We are all attempting to experience life the best way that we know how, considering our circumstances.