Anticipation & Expectation

When life happens by me, I expect it to arrive.

Whatever I cause to happen, I expect to happen.

Whenever it fails to happen, I am disappointed.

When life happens to me, I live in hope that I won’t be disappointed.

When life happens by me, it also happens by others.

When I expect others to deliver life as I want it, I am often disappointed.

When life happens through me, I allow it to also happen through other people.

It allows other people to deliver beyond my wildest expectations.

When I anticipate life happening through me, it does.

Balanced anticipation is joyful.

Joyful anticipation is more powerful than intense expectation.

Intense expectation can result in intense disappointment.

Just feeling joyful anticipation empowers it to arrive.

Expectation & disappointment are the opposing positive & negative polarities of my joyful anticipation.