Sense & Sensation

Sense is a physical experience. I experience the physical world with my physical senses.

Sensation is a spiritual experience. I experience my spirituality with my intuitive senses.

I have a physical sense of sight, hearing, touch, taste & smell.

I have an intuitive sensation of feeling, knowing & seeing.

When I have an intuitive inspiration or an intuitive revelation, it is truly sensational.

When I sense the natural order of the physical world, it is deemed sensible. I make sense of the physical world with my physical senses.

From a rational perspective, the spiritual realm doesn’t make sense. Spiritual people are seen to be counter-intuitive and over-sensitive when they sensationalise their spirituality.

In contrast, my emotional perception of the spiritual realm is an uplifting sensation, which inspires & empowers my Self. Emotional perception is an awareness of the energetic nature of the Universe.

I do not see my spiritual nature with my physical sight but with my insight or foresight. I do not feel emotion with my sense of touch. My spiritually intuitive knowing is not gained through any one of my physical senses but through my connection with my Higher Mind.

Connecting to my Higher Mind, the higher feelings of my Heart and the higher entity of my Soul, is through an intuitive sensation of thought, emotion & imagination. What I know in my mind, feel in my heart and see in my Soul’s imagination are all intuitive sensations.

A physical sense of balance is attained when I am grounded, earthed & anchored in physicality. When my lower sub-conscious Mind is unbalanced and out of alignment with my higher super-conscious Soul, the sensation can feel very weird & disconcerting.

The duality of choice allows the apparent experience of both positive or negative sensations. Because of this, many people choose to disconnect their spiritual intuition in favour of their physical senses only. Modern Science recognises only that which can be empirically measured and proven to be the only true reality.

Intuition allows the energetic awareness of emotional intelligence to make life truly sensational instead of just making sense in a rational & orderly fashion.

My common sense is my intellectual sense of reasoning, using my experiences gained with my five physical senses. What makes most sense is to also utilise the sensationally certain ability of my intuition, which is also common to everyone although seldom in common use.