Assertive & Subordinate

Being Assertive is asserting one’s authority or choice onto another.

It is influencing, persuading or manipulating someone else to adopt your belief.

I assert the authority of my belief in my own choice.

When I assert others to adopt my belief and my perspective, I am being arrogant.

What I am really asserting is my arrogance, even though I may believe that I am asserting my confidence in my self belief or my own belief.

Being Subordinate is adopting the authority or choice of another.

It is following their lead along their path by doing it their way.

I am being subordinate to someone else’s higher status or perceived authority.

Assertive people assert their importance because they believe it is important for others to do things their way.

Subordinate people express their own lack of importance because they believe that it is important to be humble by showing their humility.

I assert the authority of my highest choice when I am subordinate to the vision of my highest Self.