Prophetic Dreams

My Prophetic Dreams are insights into my present.

They do not foretell my future.

The dreams of my Messiah are prophetic.

My Messiah is my Soul, my Prophet.

There is great profit in hearing my prophet.

My Soul dreams of expansive growth.

A prophetic dream is an opportunity for personal growth through my Self.

I grow into my future by accepting my messages of insightful opportunity as my gift to my Self in my present moment.

My present dreams offer a present for my future.

I create my future with my focus on my present.

My present insight creates my future, it does not predict it.

My Soul is ever present knowing only the eternal moment.

When I see the opportunity presented to my Self in a dream and I learn from the projected experience, it is no longer necessary for it to manifest into my physical reality.

Prophetic dreams are my greatest opportunity for learning & growth without having to endure any physical problem or disaster.