The Provider & The Dependent

The Provider and the Dependent are two roles reflecting the same energy of giving and receiving.

The Dependent is dependent on the Provider to provide, yet we cannot be one aspect of the duality without being the other.

When we are dependent on another to provide something for us, they are dependent on us to provide something for them.

The Provider & the Dependent is a drama of C0-dependency and the joint provision of mutual needs.

The dependent is in need of the care that is provided. The Provider is in need of the need to be needed.

Giving and receiving are the same energy seen from opposing perspectives.

When receiving, we are giving the giver the opportunity to give.

When giving, we are receiving from the receiver the opportunity to give.

We can only give and provide to someone who needs and depends on receiving what we give and provide.

Dependency is needing to receive what another is giving us because we believe that we are without it.

Providing is needing to give to another because we believe that they are without it.