Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose

Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose are the new buzz words in empowered businesses.

Enlightened organisations are discovering the distinction between motivation and empowerment.

They are discovering that motivation using the traditional ‘carrot & stick’ does not work for 21st century employees.

Incentives and rewards actually disempower creative workers.

Motivation still works for manual tasks in a Directive Culture but is counter productive in organisations that require innovation, invention, inspiration, insight, imagination and creativity.

An empowered workforce requires:

  • Autonomy: – The authority to make their own choices
  • Purpose: – The power to value their own input
  • Mastery: – The ability to be self-directed and aligned with one’s true values

Autonomy, Mastery & Purpose have overtaken the old buzz words for success that were Prudence, Fortitude & Temperance.

Personal Power, Authority & Ability still reign supreme.