A Value Fulfilment Experience

A Value Fulfilment Experience is a Divine Triality.

It is an experience that has value and fulfilment.

Value is the power of the ability to experience.

Fulfilment is the authority to experience my ability.

A value fulfilment experience has power, authority & ability.

A Divine experience has both fulfilment & value.

Experiencing value is always fulfilling.

Experiencing fulfilment always has value.

Valuing my experience is fulfilling.

Fulfilling an experience is valuable.

A valuable and fulfilling experience is divine.

The value of a divine experience is fulfilment.

Divinity explores the value of a fulfilling experience.

Life is the exploration and the experience of fulfilling values.

True Values allow my experience of fulfilment.

Fulfilment is the experience of my True Values.

Whichever way I look at it: Life is a True Value Fulfilment Experience.