Attaining Humility

Humility is the quality of attaining outstanding balance in my personal attributes.

When I attain a balanced state of being that is attributable to my Self, I express humility.

Humility is an expression of the congruency of my emotional energy.

When I express my pride, I express only the male gender of my energy.

When I express my modesty, I express only the female gender of my energy.

Attaining humility requires the female aspects of my emotional energy to be in alignment with the male aspects of my emotional energy.

When the yin & yang of my energy vibration are in alignment, I attain humility.

Humility means earthly ability.

It is the ability of my Self to live in physical existence as my Soul.

It is therefore, the ability of the Soul to live on Earth as its Self.

When my ego Self has no ego sense of Self, only the essence of my Soul, I attain humility.