Being Good

Being Good is having no unmet emotional needs.

When all my emotional needs are met, I feel Good.

When I feel good, I am Being Good.

I cannot Be Good and feel bad.

Being Good is being connected to my emotional Source of Power.

Being Good is my state of Beingness that has nothing to do with other people.

It is neither a judgment by others nor a dependency on others.

It is my sense of knowing who I am and the expression of Being Good that accompanies it.

The feeling of Being Good is my Emotional Power that allows my Self to do what I Truly Value.

Doing what I truly value is Good for my Self, because it has value and connects me to my emotional power.

Pleasing other people is good for them because it meets their emotional needs, but it has no true value for my Self.

Being Good is the feeling that whatever I am doing is mutually beneficial for my Self and all others.