My Vibration of Well-being

My Vibration of Well-being is defined by 3 wavelengths of emotion that I attribute to my Self:

  • My power of being Graceful
  • My authority of being Gentle
  • My ability of being Good

My Vibration of Well-being is defined by 3 frequencies of thought that I attain for my Self:

  • The power of my Wealth
  • The authority of my Wisdom
  • The ability of my Health

An alternative perspective realises that:

  • My gracious wealth is the magnitude of my power
  • My gentle wisdom is the force of my authority
  • My good health is the potential of my ability

Whichever way I see it gives me a feeling of knowing my Self to Be Well.

That is unless my well-being has a dramatic  duality that divides it by gender, when:

  • My gracious wealthy power is divided by my sin of greed or by virtue of my pleasing others
  • My gentle wise authority is divided by my sin of wrath or by virtue of my meekness
  • My good healthy ability is divided by my sin of pride or by virtue of my humility

The combination of my perspectives & my perceptions, based on my emotional needs & my limiting beliefs, will determine the intensity of my emotion and my resistance to the quality of the experience of my Vibration of Well-being.