My Vibration of Happiness

  • My Vibration of Happiness is defined by 3 wavelengths of emotion that I attribute to my Self:
  • My power of being Approving
  • My authority of being Allowing
  • My ability to be Accepting

My Vibration of Happiness is defined by 3 frequencies of thought that I attain for my Self:

  • The power of my Joy
  • The authority of my Fulfilment
  • The ability of my Contentment
An alternative perspective is that:
  • My joyful approval is the wavelength of my magnitude of power
  • My fulfilled allowing is the frequency of my force of authority
  • My content acceptance is the vibration of my potential ability
Whichever way I see it gives me a feeling of knowing my Self to be Happy.
That is unless my happiness has a dramatic duality that is divided by gender, when:
  • My approving power of joy is divided by my sin of lust or by virtue of my needs
  • My allowing authority of fulfilment is divided by my sin of envy or by virtue of my kindness
  • My accepting ability of contentment is divided by my sin of gluttony or by virtue of my poverty
My Being Well-Happy is expressed as the attributes of Gratitude & Appreciation that create my continued personal, spiritual,  development & growth.