Being Accepting

Being Accepting is the realisation of my emotional power and my mental authority as a gift to my Self.

When I allow my authority and approve my power, I accept my true ability.

My true ability is disabled by my inability to accept it.

My self esteem is a measure of the ability that I see in my Self.

My self esteem enables my ability to be realised.

My esteemed ability remains a potential, until I accept it as my reality.

When my true potential remains unrealised, I tolerate and endure my present experience of life.

When I accept my true potential and make it real, my present reality is presented as a gift to my Self.

Whatever I am unable to accept, I will forever tolerate.

I can only accept what I approve and I allow.

When I approve my allowance, I accept it as a present, as it is presented, in each and every present moment of my reality.