Seven Divine Attainments

1. An Ideal Life is a divine attainment. It is the divine attainment of the experience of an ideal life. When I believe that Life Just Is a divine opportunity, I experience my version of my ideal life.

2. Absolute Authority is a divine attainment. Creative power is enabled with absolute authority. Creative power is an absolute choice. When I overcome the relative duality of choice, I connect with my divine authority. When I believe that We All Have Choice, we do.

3. Abundance is a divine attainment. An abundant life is having everything that I need for my ideal life. When I intuitively know that There Is Enough, for everyone, I connect with my abundance. Providence provides enough of everything, to everyone, who attains the abundance of having enough.

4. Absolute Power is a divine attainment. Power absolutely flows with authority. Divine Authority is my choice to be my authentic Self. As my authentic Self, I am emotionally powerful. Believing that Love Is The Way connects me to my divine power. Love is the power to create an absolutely ideal life.

5. Integrity is a divine attainment. I attain integrity when I am at One with my Self. We are each the potential of our One Universal Self. We Are All Equal in our divine potential. Our inequality is purely an illusion of our relative personal experiences. When I believe that I have equal potential, as does everyone else, I do.

6. Gratitude is a divine attainment. I am divinely grateful for the opportunity to follow a personal, individual, unique & exclusive path in life, and that everyone else has the same opportunity, to follow their different path. Allowing Everyone To Follow Their Path puts no restriction on my ability to follow my path. I am in gratitude to everyone who crosses my path, and their contribution to it, knowing that they are essential to it.

7. Appreciation is a divine attainment. When I appreciate the path on which I am travelling, my experience of that path appreciates. When I Follow My Own Path with appreciation, everything that I experience appreciates in value. When I appreciate my own expansive growth, it expands & grows.