
Witness is the attainment of the Soul’s Wits. My wits are my intuitive senses, which connect my Self intuitively with my Soul. My Soul intuitively sees everything that happens to, by, through & as its Self.

Wit is synonymous with humour. The Soul always humours the choice of the Self, no matter how ironic. When I know that nothing ever goes wrong in my life, I can laugh when it appears to be so.

When I have my ‘wits about me’, I am in sole connection with my Soul’s guidance & support.

I attain witness through my wise connection with my Soul. I am witness to the Soul’s opportunities for its Self.

In my disconnection from my Soul’s intuitive wisdom, I witness being at my ‘wit’s end’.

Attaining Witness, I am mentally & emotionally enabled with both power & authority. I am witness to the creative ability of my emotional power and my my mental authority.

In my apparent disconnection from source energy, I become a witness to the apparent role that I am playing. I play the role of a witness, when I am observing what is happening to myself and to other people in any of our mutual life dramas.

My role of being a witness is what I am doing, not an attainment of who I am being in relationship to my Self and other people. I witness what is happening to other people, until I attain the Witness of real life opportunities being intuitively created as my own choice.

I am Witness to the creative ability of the Creator of my own experience of creation.