An Omnipresent Potential

My Potential is Omnipresent.

My potential is ever present. It is always there. It is continually being presented to my Self.

Potentially I have the potential to represent my potential and become Omnipresent.

Being ‘All Present’ means fully realising my potential.

When I realise my full potential, I will be ‘present’, I will have ‘presence’, and I will ‘re-present’ my full potential for this Life.

I am full of potential, yet it is just that, my potential, until I actually realise it and make it my reality.

When I actuate and realise my potential, I will realise how potent and powerful a force I am.

Realising my potential requires me to realise the magnitude of my power and then align it with the force of my authority.

I present my full potential when I connect to all the power and all the authority of who I really am.

My Omnipresent Potential is just a potential until I make it real.