An Omnipotent Magnitude

Omnipotent means All Powerful.

My Magnitude is the extent of my Power.

An Omnipotent Magnitude is expansive, infinite and boundless.

The magnitude of my power is omnipotent when I connect to the Source of my infinite, expansive and boundless power.

The Source of my Power is my Soul.

My Soul is Omnipotent, All Powerful, Infinite & Boundless.

I connect to the source of my power when I align with my Soul’s Authority.

My Soul has no distinction between its power and its authority. The authority or choice of my Soul is always accompanied by the power to experience that choice.

I cannot be an omniscient force without the magnitude of my omnipotent power.

The paradox is that: I can only connect to my all knowing Soul when I have the power to do so; and I can only access my true power when I connect to my all knowing Soul.

My emotional power emanates from my state of being and my emotional state of being determines the magnitude of my power and my ability to choose.

In alignment with my Soul’s Divine State of Being, I access my Omnipotent Power.

With an Omnipotent Magnitude of Power & an Omnicient Force of Authority, I am can fulfil the Omnipresent Potential Ability for my Life.