
Equability is the ability to treat all other people as my equal. It is attained by following the Golden Rule of : “Being unto others as you choose others to be unto you”. In doing and being so, I allow them to be my equal, which allows me to be their equal. When another is being unto me as they choose for me to be unto them, they allow me to be their equal. The need to be humble and the need to be better than other people will disallow the equability of both.

Equability requires a pure state of emotional being. When the emotion that I am expressing is distorted by gender or corrupted by polarity, it is either in contrast or opposition to the feeling being expressed by another.

  • Two arrogant, greedy people cannot humbly please each other
  • Two idle, envious people cannot be kind, caring & considerate to each other
  • Two proud, needy people cannot be modest & loving with each other

Equability is the empathy of a mutual perspective with the perception of two people sharing their compassion. I perceive and share my compassion for another with the empathy of being on a similar path with a mutually beneficial perspective of life.

Equability is sharing my outstanding qualities & accomplishments with modesty, without any attachment to my need for another’s approval, acknowledgement or love.

Equability is my sensitive detachment from another’s dramas & traumas, which allows their detachment from my traumas & dramas with equal sensitivity.

Equability is both the equal animity of a pure, unified gender of emotional expression and the equal quality of a neutral intensity of the polarity of a mental perspective. It is the ability to equalise our perception of emotional equanimity with our equality of mental perspective.

Equability is allowing both the acceptance & approval of another, which in turn allows my Self to be the equal of another, simultaneously allowing all others to be my equal. I can only allow others their own choice of expressing either their equability or their divisiveness; as it is impossible to make another equal to my Self.