Pure Beingness

Pure Beingness is Love.

Love has no mass. It is pure feeling.

To experience pure Beingness requires omnipotence.

Being all powerful is being all feeling.

When I am all feeling, I am all powerful, I am feeling my full power and I am fully empowered.

Light is experienced with Pure Beingness.

I cannot have Pure Beingness and not be my True Light.

Light has no mass. It is pure motion.

Light in pure motion is called Thought, which originates from the Pure Mind of Consciousness.

The Pure Consciousness of the Eternal Mind is Omniscient. It is all knowing.

The Pure Beingness that is the Energy of Love is eternally attracted to the Pure Motion of Light, which together create the True Matter of Life.

Pure Life is a state of being Omnipresent.

It is the appearance of mass & matter that allows omnipresence and the state of being All Seeing.

All Seeingness requires the presence of all Beingness and all Knowingness.