Ingenious & Ingenuous

Ingenious is being connected to my source of genuine mental genius.

Ingenuous is being connected to my source of genuine emotional power.

Ingenuity manifests genuine thoughts as real and true thought as genuine.

Ingenuousness expresses pure emotion as a real and genuine feeling.

The genuine source of ingenuity & ingenuousness is the genie that I call my Soul.

The authority of mental ingenuity flows effortlessly with the power of emotional ingenuousness.

I am the genuine genus of my Soul. We are all genetic manifestations of our Soul Genus and our Soul Genius.

When I express a genuine emotional aspect of my Soul genus, I am being ingenuous. I am being my inner genus when my emotional heart is open.

When I imagine a genuine mental thought of my Soul’s super-Consciousness, I am being ingenious. I am in my genius when I am aligned with my Higher Mind.

The source of my ingenuousness is my spiritual heart. My ingenuous heart expresses aspects of pure, natural, divine Love; which are undivided by male or female gender.

My ingenious mind expresses thoughts of pure, divine Light; which are undivided, unfiltered and unpolarised by my sub-conscious autonomous programming. The ego Self is always free to choose the divine path of its Soul or the autonomous path of itself.

Both ingenuity & ingenuousness require an intuitive connection to the genius of the Soul. I connect with the genius of my creative genie with my mental ingenuity and my emotional ingenuousness.

My Ingenuousness is never naive, artless or innocent; even though an insensitive, unemotional, unawakened mind might believe it to be so.

My Ingenuity is never clever, intellectual, rational or intelligent; even though an unaware, inclusively disconnected, counter-intuitive mind might believe it to be so.