Imagination, Dreams, & Reality

Our thoughts create our reality. The Universe has no distinction between our real thoughts and our imaginary thoughts. Real or imagined is just a duality of our mind and both are creating our reality. Everything in reality has been first created in someone’s imagination.

Imagination is as creative as observations of reality. The reality that we observe is the reality we create until we change that reality through innovative imagination.

Whereas imagination has the power of creativity, our dreams do not. What we dream at night is a rehearsal of what we are attracting whilst awake, but we do not attract what we dream. What we dream at night remains a dream until we remember it when awake. We then have the ability to consciously attract that experience, or not give it another thought.

We limit our creative ability when we confuse our imagination with our dreams. Dreams are our mental experiences whilst asleep. Imagination is a ‘day-dream’ of a future reality, or fantasy, whilst awake. Day-dreams are creative whilst night-dreams are not.

We also limit our creative imagination with false beliefs: “In your dreams” infers that it is not a reality and therefore not true and cannot happen – so it won’t. “It’s only a dream” means it won’t happen in reality – so it won’t. “It’s just your imagination” limits the power of your imagination with the power of your belief.

“Life just Is” whatever we think, imagine and dream it to be consciously. Our thoughts, dreams and imaginings will always materialise when given enough time and enough emotional power in the absence of limiting beliefs.

Limiting beliefs are our fate, whereas the absence of limiting beliefs is our Faith. Our true Faith has no limiting beliefs. Unfortunately many religions preach limiting beliefs and few religions encourage innovative imagination, personal dreams or individual reality as the truth.