Allowing & Ignoring

I do not choose to allow ignorance.

I ignore a toleration when I am able to. I can ignore a toleration until it becomes intolerable. When a problem becomes intolerable, I can no longer tolerate it and I can no longer ignore it.

Tolerance is the gap between ignorance & wisdom. Being tolerant fills the gap between being intolerant and being accepting. It is not wise to tolerate anything because whatever I am tolerating is draining my emotional energy. Ignoring an energy drain allows me to be tolerant.

In my ignorance, I believe that I am wise enough to tolerate my problems. I may deem this to be clever, but it is never wise. Tolerance is not a wise attainment.

Being allowing is a wise attribute that requires emotional awareness to attain. I attain the emotional state of being allowing with the awareness of my effortless flow having no resistance. When I allow my life to flow without resistance, I am aware of my state of being allowing. I am aware of being allowing when I am aware of there being no resistance that I am tolerating.

I become conscious of my ignorance when I become aware of sub-consciously reacting to the intolerable resistance that I am experiencing in life. In my ignorance, I am unaware that the intolerable resistance that I am experiencing is due to my inability to allow whatever is occurring in my life.

My ignorant beliefs disallow an effortless flow of life and cause the challenges that I tolerate and the problems that I find intolerable.

Moving from tolerating to Accepting is my wise choices Being.