Character, Personality & Intellect

Our character is defined by the role that we play in life, which is determined by our abilities in the physical world and how we serve people in a material way.

Our personality is determined by our emotional needs and how we compete with others for our emotional energy. Extrovert personalities need other people to meet their needs in an active way, whereas introvert personalities meet their own emotional needs in a more passive way.

Our intellect is how we define our level of knowledge and when we believe that knowledge is power, our intellect defines our level of power or authority over others.

Our character, personality and intellect define our physical, separated sense of self.

Our Identity is our true sense of who we really are spiritually.

We determine a person’s character, personality, and intellect from what we see with our visual eyes and hear with our audible ears that are our physical senses.

We determine our spiritual identity with our spiritual senses of seeing, feeling and knowing. Those without the eyes to see and the ears to hear will have to read the parables.

When we see a person’s character, we understand the role they are acting out in life.

When we feel a person’s personality, we understand what they need emotionally in their life and whether they are capable of meeting our emotional needs.

When we know a person’s intellect, we understand the beliefs that form the cornerstone of their conviction.

When we can see, feel and know our self, we can experience, explore and discover our true identity of who we really are.