The Concept Of Confusion

A Concept is something that is conceived mentally in the mind. I mentally conceive a new thought by bringing it into my present perception. The presentation of a concept is conceptually perceived when I realise it to be a conceived reality. I perceive the conception or birth of a new idea as a mental concept. An ideal concept is perceived with clarity.

Confusion is conceived when my perception is without clarity. Confusion & clarity are a duality, or opposing polar perspectives, of the same energy vibration. I confuse a concept when I fuse one concept with another. Confusion disallows the purity of a concept because pure concepts have clarity. An impure concept is confusing because two ideas are con-fused together.

Clarity is perceived when two separate concepts are un-fused. A distinction separates two similar concepts and defines them as different and distinct from each other. I attain distinction when I clarify the difference between two similar concepts.

Concepts that appear the same but are different have a distinction. With no distinction, two or more concepts become fused together causing a chaotic confusion. Chaos is the effect of confused concepts that are without distinction. There is distinction in clarity, not chaos. A confusing concept always causes chaos in the mind of the perceiver.