Receiving & Accepting

Receiving is the effect of our giving at cause. When we cause to give, we always receive an effect.

When we give at cause and effect, we control the giving and therefore we pre-determine the receiving. The giving, whether conscious or not, is conditional on the effect of receiving, and we control and limit the conditions.

When we give unconditionally, we allow the Universe to give unconditionally to us.

When we control the effect of our giving, we attempt to control the universe and limit its effect.

Giving unconditionally allows the Universal Law of Attraction to be unconditional.

Accepting is the unconditional giving of our Self to our Soul.

Accepting is the unconditional receiving, in a positive perspective, of whatever our Soul decides that we shall experience.

Accepting overcomes the duality of giving and receiving, so that we accept ‘In Gratitude’ whatever occurs for us in that moment of time.

Acceptance is by definition unconditional, because conditional acceptance is a toleration and eventually any conditions we impose will become intollerable.

When we receive a negative experience, it is because we have given a negative experience to another.

When we receive a positive experience, we have allowed another to experience the same.

When we accept every experience, we have overcome the duality of positive and negative judgement.