Faith & Trust

Faith is a sense of ‘knowing’ what is right for us in that moment of time.

Trust is a positive belief in what we think is right based on our experiences over time of what we have found to be trustworthy or untrustworthy and reliable or unreliable.

With faith, we know whether someone is worthy of trust or not, intuitively. Whether we trust them or not depends on whether we follow the intuitive knowing of our faith or whether we believe the past experiences of our instincts.

With faith, we may intuitively know that someone is honest but still treat them with an attitude of mistrust because of a limiting belief that we hold.

Alternatively, we may trust someone to be honest even though we intuitively feel that they cannot be trusted, because we deny our feelings and follow our beliefs instead.

When we are faithful to our sense of knowing and our intuitive feelings, we no longer need to trust or mistrust anyone, because we know whether they are honest or not.

When we truly know that someone is honest, we do not have to trust them, because we know that we can put our faith in them completely.

When we know that we can rely on our faith, we know that we can rely on reliable people.

Unreliable, untrustworthy and unfaithful people are just reflecting to us our disconnection from our own sense of faith.

When we put our trust in our faith instead of other people, we know when someone is not faithful, unreliable and cannot be trusted.