Reason, Meaning & Purpose

When my perspective is that life happens to me, I need a physical reason for what is happening to me. A beneficial occurrence is reasonable, as I am able to reason what is beneficial for me. A detrimental occurrence is unreasonable, as I believe that there is no reason for it to happen to me. When my perspective is have-do-be, I need a reason for what I am having to endure.

When my perspective is that life happens by me, I am looking for the meaning. The meaning of life eludes me when I am looking for the reason. The meaning of life is its balance. When I bring my life into balance, it has meaning. Balance is emotional, not physical. When my life is emotionally balanced and I am balanced emotionally in life, it is meaningful. When I am no longer mean with my emotions, they have meaning for me. When my perspective is do-have-be, I am doing what I can to have a meaning that is reasonable, not a meaning that is emotionally balanced. When I bring my life into emotional balance, I am being effortlessly enabled to experience the meaning of life for me.

When my perspective is that life happens through me, it has purpose. Life always flows through me on purpose. I discover my purpose when I allow life to flow effortlessly through me. My purpose is to allow life to unfold through me, in harmony, without resistance. When my meaning is reasonable, I discover my purpose in life. When my perspective is be-do-have, I am Being on purpose. When my being is on purpose, I can do whatever I am inspired to do, to have whatever I am inspired to have because I have the power to do so. My purpose is uniquely fulfilled, when my meaning has emotional balance and my reasoning has mental harmony.