The Pain Threshold

The Pain Threshold is the balance point between pain & pleasure. It is the point at which emotion becomes unpleasant.

Pain is negative emotion or the feeling of emotion being negative & detrimental.

Pleasure is a positive emotion or the feeling of emotion being beneficial.

A Paramedic may ask you to quantify your level of pain on a scale of one to ten. Ten being very intense pain and one being very mild pain.

A Life Coach may ask you to quantify your emotional wellbeing on a scale of one to ten. Five to one being progressively negative and six to ten being progressively positive. One represents a deep depression and ten represents absolute joy.

Science & Medicine currently treat pain as physical and treat anxiety & dread as mental; unless we have a headache which may have either a mental or a physical cause. Whereas science measures pain, a Life Coach measures the positive or negative polarity of emotion.

The intuitive awareness of emotional intelligence knows that the feelings of pain are emotional. Suffering with pain is not emotionally intelligent. Pain may appear to have a physical or a mental cause but the effect is always emotional. Negative emotion is a pain that causes pain. It is a painful emotional experience. Feeling or expressing pain is always a negative emotional experience.

The more emotional energy that I have, the less pain I experience. The less emotional power that I have, the more painful life is. Pain is relative to the absence of emotional energy and the need for emotional energy. With enough emotional energy, life is pain free.

On a scale of one to ten, 1-3 is very painful, 4-5 is painful, 6-8 is painless and 9-10 is relatively pain free.

The most intensely painful feeling is the numbness of depression, followed closely by the anger of our emotional reaction to our intensely negative state of being.

The pain free states of being ecstatic, euphoric & blissful are physically grounded in the emotional experience of pure joy. A joyless life is relatively painful. A painless life is relatively joyful. A pain free life is an absolute joy.

The pain threshold is also a pleasure threshold. It is the point at which pain turns to pleasure and conversely pleasure turns to pain. Pain & pleasure are the same vibration of emotional energy experienced from an opposing polarisation of perception.

Both a Masochist and a Sadist are confused about the positive & negative polarity of pain & pleasure. Whereas they both see pain as pleasurable, a Miser sees pleasure as painful. Whether we see life as painful or pleasurable is a matter of personal perspective relative to our perception of our pain & pleasure threshold.

When pain & pleasure are believed to happen either to us or by us, we disallow the experience of joy flowing through us.