Conquer, Concur, Conker

“Conkers Concur to Conquer”

A Conker is the seed of a Horse-chestnut tree. Conkers is a game of superiority. Two individual Conkers battle to destruction, to declare one to be better than the other. A superior Conker conquers all other inferior Conkers.

A Superior Conqueror declares sovereignty over a defeated Nation. A Sovereign Nation has sovereignty over its own laws and boundaries.

I conquer my fear to attain personal sovereignty over my own choices. Personal sovereignty is my own supreme authority of choice, which allows my own choice of authority.

To conquer is to overcome adversity. I conquer a mountain by overcoming the adversity of its ascent & descent. I conquer my fear when my feelings concur with my beliefs, in an agreeable way. When my positive thinking concurs with my positive emotion, I have overcome my fears.

I do not conquer my fear by fighting or resisting it. I conquer my fear by choosing to overcome it as a sovereign entity with choice. When I concur with my beliefs, I agree with my beliefs and I own my beliefs because they beneficially serve me.

When my beliefs are in conflict, they do not concur and I have inner turmoil. I have no inner peace because I am sub-consciously at war with my Self.

When my beliefs concur, I have faith in my path because I have concurred my beliefs & conquered my fears. When I concur a belief, I agree it as agreeable, then own it as my own because I have faith in it being positively beneficial for me.

As my own Sovereign Entity, my standards of behaviour follow concurrent beliefs in alignment with my stated boundaries. I no longer concur with others to either conker or conquer others. I have no need to demonstrate my superiority as my owned authority is supreme.

Making choices with my own supreme authority is always superior to the influence of any externally imposed sovereign authority.