A Spiritual Well & A Spiritual Pit

My Spiritual Well is the Source of my Wellbeing. It is my spring of spiritual Happiness.

A well contains water. It is a water source. Water is the spiritual element of Mental Wisdom. My spiritual well is the font of all my wisdom. I draw from my well of wisdom with my intuitive sense of knowing. Drawing wisdom from my well of infinite spiritual knowledge, requires a metaphorical bucket to lift my metaphysical rejuvenating water. A hole in my bucket is analogous to a fear or a limiting belief that drains my emotional energy.

Air is the spiritual element of Emotional Wealth. Drawing water from my spiritual well, aerates my mental thoughts with the feeling of potent emotion, called empowered inspiration. A problem is a toleration and an energy drain that is represented by a hole in my spiritual bucket. Every hole is an emotionally draining mental toleration, which depletes my vital wellbeing, by disconnecting my source of mental wisdom.

My Spiritual Pit is an emotional affect caused by my mental despair. My pit of despair is devoid of any life giving water. Without the imagination of inspired thought from my intuitive well of wisdom, there is only the drought caused by my negative mental thinking, which sub-consciously drives me to despair. My negative beliefs that drive my desperately negative thinking disempower my positive emotional feelings and depress my ability to be well.

In my spiritual pit of despair, I am depressed because there is no emotional well-spring of vital spiritual energy. With no ladder, to climb out of my pit, there is no way out of the deep depression that I have dug myself into. This can make me very intolerant and angry, whilst frustrating my Physician’s ability to decide whether to accurately prescribe a sedative for my emotional anger or a stimulant for my mental depression.

There is no positive mental wisdom at the bottom of my spiritual pit because I do not have the positive emotional power to connect intuitively with it. I have only the negative emotional power of my own anger, intolerance & frustration; which ironically is how I desperately dug myself into the hole to begin with.

“Life cannot thrive in the conditions of stale air and stagnant water”

Life thrives with the unrestricted spring of mental water from source and the emotional air of wellbeing that always flows with it.

My pit of emotional despair is the affect of the absence of any source of mental wisdom. A ladder that connects me to my own innate source of intuitive wisdom is required to empower my ascent out of my pit of emotional depression.