Inertia, Entropy & Flow

Inertia, Entropy & Flow are the three signposts on a spiritual path.

  • Inertia & Flow are the opposing genders of female inactive inertia and male active flow
  • Entropy & Flow are opposing polarities of negative entropy and positive flow
  • Inertia & Entropy are opposing intensities of resistance (not flowing) and flow

Chaos is the affect of the entropy of negative flow. Inertia is the apparent affect of no flow. Effortlessness is the effect of unrestricted flow.

  • Unattractive chaos is caused by entropy
  • Non-attractive inertia has no flow
  • Unattractive inertia is seen as resistance
  • Attractive flow is effortlessly beneficial

Attractive, non-attractive & unattractive are the three perspectives of how the Law of Attraction appears to work.

  • Entropy happens to me
  • Inertia happens by me
  • Flow happens through me

I choose flow, entropy or inertia with my perspective of how life happens.

  • Entropy is the affect of a negative personal choice, not inertia
  • Inertia is the affect of choosing not to choose, not entropy
  • Flow is a beneficial & ideal choice

Entropy & inertia are the opposing negative affects of choosing and not choosing. Fears & limiting beliefs cause entropy, which causes the procrastination & prevarication of inertia.

  • Negative thinking causes the chaos of entropy
  • Inaction is the resistance that causes inertia
  • Inspired thought allows the flow of active, attractive opportunities

Empowered inspirational thoughts release the potential of inertia to flow effortlessly without entropy. Limiting beliefs & fears are the resistance of inertia to flow, which causes the entropy of experience to descend into chaos.

  • Conscious rational thinking without thoughtful emotional awareness is entropic
  • Spiritual awareness without physical consciousness is inert
  • The conscious-awareness of spiritual flow allows physicality to be beneficially ideal, without either inertia or entropy

I am free to choose inertia, free to choose entropy or free to choose effortless flow.