Lie & Lay

A Lie is an untrue belief. A Truth is a true belief. A belief can be my truth or a lie. A true belief is one that I have challenged and I own as my own belief. A personal truth is a belief that I personally own because it intuitively feels good and I intuitively know that it is the right perspective for my Self. Other people may judge my belief to be a truth or a lie.

I Lay down my physical experiences as mental beliefs in my sub-conscious mind. When I lay down a belief, whether it be true or false, I give birth to that belief in my sub-conscious memory. Hatching a plan is metaphorically laying a mental egg in my mind. When I lay down an intention, it may be supported by a true belief or a lie.

A fear is false evidence appearing real, which causes the experience of not feeling emotionally good because I believe my intention to be mentally wrong. My fear can be a true awareness of a wrong intention or a false belief about a good intention. Whether I am lying to my Self or my sub-conscious is lying to me, is a matter of personal perspective.

My intuition never lies. Whatever I intuitively know to be right, feel to be good or see as beneficial for my Self, is certainly true for me. My personal path of intuitive guidance & support is always truly beneficial. When I lay down my intuition in favour of my rational intellectual reasoning, I have no certain way of discerning what is my truth and what is a lie.

My super-conscious intuitive guidance & support never lies, but my instinctive sub-conscious intellectual reasoning may be in alignment with my fears and our of alignment with my truth. False evidence is always a lie, whether it appears real or not.

“When I let things lie, I withhold my truth”

“A Lie always Lays heavily on my Heart”