Genes, Memes & Moods (2)

Genes determine my physical appearance. Masculine & feminine Human Beings have a similar set of chromosomes but the genes are sequenced differently, within the chromosome, for each Individual. Gene sequences are inherited from parent to off-spring because they replicate within the cell neucleus as it divides. I share the same chromosomes as every other male person and I share the same genes as my parents and my children. All humans share the same genetic blue-print as their operating system, with unique epi-genetic characteristics or phenotypes for each Person.

A Meme determines my mental characteristics. All human beings, both male & female, can share the same or express different mental characteristics or memes. Our mental beliefs determine our mental characteristics. My mental belief system is made up of either similar or different memes. A meme is a mental belief. People with similar mental beliefs express similar mental characteristics, irrespective of physical sex. Our sexual orientation changes our mental perspective, with different mental beliefs & memes. A male with a feminine orientation of perspective expresses the female side of their character. A female who expresses male mental characteristics has a masculine orientation of perspective. In patriarchal, Victorian Society, women were raised to mentally express only their female characteristics, so they orientated with only a feminine perspective of their mental character. Men were allowed to be Beaus or Dandies and express their feminine characteristics openly.

Masculine & feminine mental characteristics are not relative to male & female sex chromosomes but are inherent within an Individual’s gene sequencing. Genetic Chromosomes never change. I am born a human being and I die a human being. Surgically changing my physical sex will not change my mental characteristics. Confusion can arise when the gender orientation of my physical sex is out of alignment with the mental characteristics of the gender of my memes. I can have male physical chromosomes with characteristic feminine memes & gene sequences, or vice versa.

Both genes and memes can be personal, individual or familiar. They may or may not be passed down the family line. All babies are different, both physically & mentally, with the exception of some identical twins.

A Mood determines my emotional personality. It is the emotionality of an Individual or a group of individual people. A mood is an emotional feeling. My emotional feelings determine my moods. Although moods are an individual experience, expressing a personal emotional state of being, they can have a sympathetic resonance with other sensitive people. Moods do not have a gender. They are an expression of the positive or negative polarity of an emotion, not its male or female orientation. The polarity of my perspective, determined by the truth of my belief, is relative to the polarity of the emotion that I am feeling. A true meme has a positive perspective and perceives a good mood. False beliefs have a negative orientation of polarity and perceive a bad mood.

Moods are perceived as good or bad and Memes are believed to be true or false, which makes my perspective right or wrong. Untrue memes have a wrong polarity and cause a false perspective with a bad mood. True memes with a right polarity of perspective allow the perception of a good mood. What is right or wrong, good or bad, positive or negative, true or false, beneficial or detrimental is relative to the perspective of an Individual’s mental memes and the resulting perception of their emotional moods.

What is true for all human beings is that changing a negative meme for a positive meme changes a negative mood to a positive mood. With enough emotional power, we each have the mental authority to re-orient a negative physical gene sequence to a positive physical gene sequence. This is how genes negatively mutate or positively evolve.

Physical genes, mental memes and emotional moods have no inherent polarity. It is the polarity of my perspective, relative to the power of my personal authority, and the orientation of my belief system, which determines whether my genes, my memes & my moods either serve me or not.

We all have choice and we each individually have a choice of unique genes, exclusive memes and personal moods.