Empaths & Sensitives

Empaths intuitively sense people’s male directive energy by the polarity of their thinking. Being empathic is sensing directive thoughts. I empathically know what you are thinking.

Sensitives intuitively sense people’s female supportive energy by the gender of their emotions. Being sensitive is sensing supporting emotional feelings. I sense the emotion you are feeling.

Empaths & Sensitives are a duality of male & female psychic energy. A true Psychic, intuitively connects with Soul or Source Vibrational Energy (the Psyche). Intuition is a Triality of psychic thoughts, feelings & experiences.

  • Gnostics intuitively know with psychic thoughts
  • Sensitives intuitively feel with psychic feelings
  • Seers intuitively see with psychic experiences

Confusion arises when trying to guide & support other people. When relating to other people, a state of being sensitively detached is essential for empaths & sensitives. Empaths are required to be sensitive and sensitives are required to be detached. The essence of a beneficial relationship is sensitivity for emotional support, whilst remaining detached from the trauma of other people’s personal dramas.

Following my own path, with guidance and support from my own Soul, requires my being both sensitive & empathic. When I intuitively know & feel what is right & good for my Self, I see my own present direction clearly. My exclusive connection with my Soul allows my exclusive connection to the direction of my path and the support that I require to follow it.

My exclusive connection with my Soul allows my sensitive detachment with other people.

My ego is my disconnected sense of Self and my Soul is my connected sense of Selves. All is connected at the Soul Level of conscious-awareness but all is disconnected, yet attached, at the level of the conscious ego physical sense of self.

Any sensitive attachment to other people directs my empathy in the opposite polarity of sympathy. Any insensitive disconnection polarises me towards apathy. Without emotional intelligence, being sensitive will feel too sensitive, over sensitive or overwhelmingly hyper sensitive and being empathic will become either apathetic or sympathetic.

Being in sympathy with another is an emotional attachment. I need to be sympathetic with whomever I need emotionally. Sympathy is a negative vibrational resonance with someone that I am attached to because I need them emotionally.

Being apathetic with another is a mental disconnection. I do not like them because my thinking does not resonate with their beliefs or behaviour, so I disconnect from them.

Being empathic with another is compassionately sharing a similar path with them. Without the sensitivity to support them on their path, we will inadvertently guide them along our path.

The Law of Attraction brings people together who empathically share the same path. It also attracts sensitive people with contrasting or complimentary genders of emotional feelings. Without the emotional intelligence of sensitive detachment, it is difficult to discern who has empathy with our own path and who does not.

Without an exclusive Soul connection, there is no intuitive sensitivity or empathy, just an inclusive disconnection from any guidance & support from Source Energy. My inclusive attachment to others offers me no genuine support and my insensitive disconnection offers no authentic guidance.

Being empathically sensitive unites my male mental thoughts with my female emotional feelings and empowers my intuitive inspiration.

It is my exclusive connection to Soul, with my sensitive detachment with others, that allows the guidance & support for my Self to guide & support other sensitive empaths.

Sensitives attract empaths and empaths attract sensitives. It is the Law.