Abandoned & Deserted

Abandoned is having the feeling of no emotional support. When I need emotional support and it is not available, I feel abandoned.

Deserted is the feeling of having no mental guidance. When I need mental guidance and it is not forthcoming, I feel deserted.

When I feel abandoned in a metaphorical desert, I have neither the emotional support nor the mental guidance that I need. Spending time emotionally abandoned in a mental desert, is how we learn to change a perspective of ‘life happens to me’, to a perspective that ‘life happens by me’.

It can take some time to realise that being rescued from my desert is not going to happen to me; especially if I also feel abandoned. The only way out of the desert is to come to my own rescue and to save myself, with a new perspective of how life is occurring.

A change of perspective can only happen by me, as it never happens to me. Other people may influence my perspective but they cannot change what only I have the authority to choose. Only I have the authority to choose my perspective of how life is actually occurring. When I consciously choose a perspective with my own authority, instead of other people’s influential advice, I instantly change my perspective to ‘life happens by me’, not ‘to me’. I am no longer a victim of my own perspective. I realise that I have been neither mentally guiding myself nor emotionally supporting myself. I have been dependent on other people giving both guidance and support, ‘to me’.

With my self-confidence to guide me and my self-worth to support me, I am no longer dependent on other people’s influence & experience. I live my life my way, with the new perspective of life is happening ‘by me’.

With the self-confidence of my own internal sense of guidance and the valuable self-worth of my own internal sense of support, I am no longer abandoned and I exit my desert, ‘full steam ahead’, with full self esteem.