Frequency & Wavelength

Frequency & Wavelength are the two primary properties of every three dimensional energy vibration. As everything that we know and experience is fundamentally an energy vibration, frequency & wavelength are the basis to everything that exists physically, mentally & emotionally.

Existence is a reality that vibrates energetically. Without energy, there is no vibration and without vibration, energy is just a latent potential waiting to be created. Realising the potential of energy brings it into physical, mental & emotional existence. The reality of existence is relative to the influence of the existing energy that is being experienced.

  • The experience of existence is relative to the wavelength of an energy vibration, which is called an emotional feeling
  • The experience of existence is influenced by the frequency of an energy vibration, which is called a mindful thought

As thought changes its influential frequency through choice, the emotional feeling of an experience changes the way it vibrationally exists.

Frequencies of thought and wavelengths of feeling are the two basic properties of every existential physical, mental & emotional reality. This means that:

  • Every individual mind can influence & change every personal emotional experience
  • Every objective vibrational object can be experienced differently, relative to subjective thoughts & feelings

The frequency & wavelength of external vibrating objects may remain unchanged, while the internal subjective experience may change with an Individual’s influential thoughts and experiential emotional feelings.

Our own personal physical energy vibration is relative to the frequency of our choice of thinking and the wavelength of our emotional feelings.

Our collective human energy vibration on a planetary level is seen from a different perspective:

  • It influences the frequency of our Time, which we call our Age
  • It experiences the wavelength of our Space, which we call our Environment
  • It exists as the vibration of our Reality, which we call our Truth

We all physically, mentally & emotionally exist in the influential experience of the truth of our environmental age, which is the three dimensional space-time-reality of our collective frequency, wavelength & vibration.