Hearing & Listening

In the physical world, hearing is a physical sense and listening is what I do in order to hear or activate with focus my sense of hearing. When I listen to the world, I hear the world and I hear the world when my listening is concentrated or focused.

In my spiritual world, hearing and listening are contrasting genders of the same energy. Hearing is my male intuitive sense of knowing. Listening is my female intuitive sense of feeling. When I listen, I feel the energy of a message intuitively. When I hear a message, I intuitively know it’s meaning.

Listening to another, with my female energy, gives them the support they need to hear their messages. Hearing another clarifies the authority of their messages of guidance for them. A Coach listens to their client to empower them as they are talking and hears their messages of guidance, which allows them to clearly see the direction of their own path of choice.

My Soul is my Inner Coach that is always listening to my thoughts and always hears my words. my Soul is always talking to my Self, whether my Self is listening or not. When my Self is not listening, it cannot hear the inspired words of wisdom from my Soul, only the intellectual reasoning or irrational fears of my sub-conscious Id.

It requires the emotional power of my Heart to listen & hear the mental authority of my Higher Mind. Without the power to listen, my hearing has no authority. When the male authority of hearing is empowered with the female energy of listening, divinely inspired words of wisdom flow freely & effortlessly from my Soul through my Self. Listening with authority and hearing with power are my exclusive connection to my inner guidance system of choice.