The Fourth Dimension

The Fourth Dimension is not time, contrary to Einstein’s theory. Time is the 2nd dimension in a space-time-reality.

The three dimensions of energy, matter & motion in a space-time -reality, each have a fourth dimension:

1. The fourth dimension of the Motion of Spin, Orbit & Rotation is a Revolution. The Earth spins on its axis, orbits the Sun, rotates with the Solar System and revolves around the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy.

2. The fourth dimension of the Energy of Wavelength, Frequency & Vibration is Spirit. An emotional wavelength of Love, with a mental frequency of Light, allows a physical vibration of Life; to be the experience of a fourth density Spiritual Consciousness.

3. The fourth dimension of Matter with a Length, Breadth & Height is Depth. A length of Time, with a breadth of Space and a height of reality, allows a Depth of Awareness.

A Depth of Spiritual Conscious-Awareness is the Revolution awaiting each of us in the Fourth Dimension.

With no depth to our physical consciousness, there is no awareness of a fourth dimension of reality beyond space & time. The gateway to this fourth dimension is Intuition.