The Paradox of Choice

The Paradox of Choice is that choice is a paradox.

I understand the paradox of choice when I know that my choice has already been chosen and that there is no choice to make other than to follow the choice that I have already made.

Without choice, there can be no paradox.

Without choice there is no alternative perspective that creates the paradox.

In a dual reality world, we all have choice.

It is the duality of this world that allows paradox.

Choice and paradox are a consequence of division and disunity.

The real paradox is that I have choice, yet I have already chosen.

I have a vision, mission and purpose for my life that I have already chosen.

My true choice for my life is contained within my vision for my life.

Following my vision is the only choice for me. It is my destiny.

It appears that I can choose not to follow my chosen path in life but this is an illusion.

My path is already chosen. I can follow it in awareness or without.

With awareness I accept my destiny.

Without awareness I tolerate my fate.

I will learn to tolerate an intolerable journey until I learn to Accept my destiny.

I can choose my destiny as my fate or I can choose my fate to be my destiny.