Intentions & Visions

My Soul has but one Intention: For my Self to realise my Vision.

My Soul has a Vision for my Self.

My Self was born blind and unaware, without the eyes to see my Vision for my Life.

My Soul holds my vision for my Self.

Seeing my Vision requires enough power to connect with my Soul.

I can only see my Vision through the eyes of my Soul.

My Soul can only realise my Vision through the experience of my Self.

When I set Intentions that are not aligned with my Vision, I have neither the authority nor the power of my Soul to achieve them.

Misaligned intentions become the goals of my ego self that will require will power to achieve.

When my ego’s only intention is to follow the path that is illuminated by my Vision then my Intention and my Vision have no distinction.

My greatest distinction is the alignment of my ego’s Intention with my Soul’s Vision for my life.