Ideals & True Values

Ideals have true value.

True Values are ideal.

My Ideal Life is the experience of living my True Values.

My True Values are the expression of my Ideal Life.

True Values make my Life Ideal.

My Vision in life defines the boundaries of my Ideal Life.

Living my Vision has True Value and is Ideal.

My Purpose in life defines the attributes required to live my Ideal Life.

Living with purpose has True Value and is Ideal.

My Mission in life is to attain my Ideal Life and to live my True Values by doing what I truly love to do.

Attaining my mission has True Value and is Ideal.

Living in a world in which everyone is in control of their own power, their own authority, and is responsible for their own actions, is ideal and has true value for my Self.

This is my vision, mission and purpose for my life.