Loyalty & Commitment

Loyalty is my commitment to a person, a group or an entity.

Commitment is my loyalty to an objective, a cause or an intention.

Loyalty & Commitment raises many questions in my life:

Is my loyalty to other people or myself?

Is my commitment to my ideals or others?

Is my loyalty to my ego self or my Soul?

Is my commitment to my ego’s will or my Soul’s Path?

Is my loyalty to those who meet my emotional needs or to the source of my emotional power?

Is my commitment to those who have influence and status or to the source of my true authority?

Is my loyalty to the desires of my ego’s will or the vision of my Eternal Soul?

Is my commitment to the beliefs of my ego self or the truth of my Higher Self?

The focus of my loyalty and my commitment determines the direction of my path and whether I am loyal to my destiny or committed to my fate.