A Life Path

A Life Path is the path I follow when life happens through me.

A strategic plan will determine my dedication & commitment to my chosen fate.

My life path is the path along which my destiny unfolds.

It is my destiny to allow, approve & accept my path as my own.

My life path leads to my destination.

When I travel through life on my path, life happens through me.

When life happens to me or by me, I appear get off track.

It is my fate to be off track as a positive experience.

It is my doom when I see being off track is a negative experience.

My life path is illuminated by my vision for my life.

My vision for my life identifies its purpose.

When on my path, I am fulfilling my purpose & my life is being fulfilled.

It is filled full of opportunities for my personal growth.

My Life Path is my Soul’s journey through life for its Self.

It is a journey of the Self, chosen by the Self that is guided by the Soul.