Thou Ought

Thou Ought is a communication from my Soul.

I ought to follow my true authority, but I don’t have to because I always have a choice.

Thou ought is communicated as a thought.

My Soul sends to my Self a thought and my Self chooses what I ought to do.

My Soul never commands my self, it just shows the way that I ought to take.

Thou shalt is not a commandment but a message of direction on my path.

The 10 Commandments of Mosaic Law were 10 signposts for Moses on his path through life.

Thou shalt follow thy path when hearing the messages that thou ought to hear.

There is nothing that I have to do or must do; there is only what I ought to and shall do in order to fulfil my vision for my life.

Have to & must, are commandments of Man.

Shall & ought are signposts on the eternal journey of my Soul.