A Leap Of Faith

A sacred journey is a leap of faith.

Every life-time is a leap of faith.

My life is a journey that is destined, one step at a time.

It requires faith to allow my journey to unfold through me.

Without faith, I do not see my vision & there is no purpose to my journey.

With vision & purpose, I am faithful to my mission.

‘One small step for man is a giant leap for mankind’.

Man did not land on the Moon with a giant leap.

It took many small steps by mankind before a man stepped on the Moon.

Man was destined to go to the Moon as he is destined to explore the stars.

I do not have to go to the Moon.

I do not have to die on the cross.

These destinies have already been attained.

We all have our own unique path to follow, one step at a time.

Each journey requires a giant leap of faith.