The Path Of An Ascended Master

Initiation One

Birth on the physical Earth as a Body of Strength.

Awake to the conscious material reality of existence where life happens to me.

Initiation Two

Baptism of Water expands the sub-conscious Mind.

Alert to the astral or mental plane of time where life happens by me.
Initiation Three

Transfiguration of Air clarifies the emotion of the Heart.

Aware of the emotional etheric plane of space where life happens through me.

Initiation Four

Renunciation of Fire discovers the Spirit of the Soul.

Alive with the conscious-awareness of the super-conscious spiritual plane where life happens as me.

Initiation Five

Resurrection of the Master Monad on a supra-conscious plane of Consciousness as a fifth dimensional Ascended Master.

At Onement as the Creator & the Creation.