Dementia Has No Expectation

A Dementia Patient has no expectation but their Carer probably does.

Expectation is a projection of desire. My desire is what I want to occur. My expectation is what I want to happen in the future. The thing is, nobody ever wants their desires to happen in the future, they want whatever they desire, now. It is most people’s expectation to get what they want, now. People get impatient when what they want is not imminently perceived to be taking its rightful place in their reality.

Expectation is always a futuristic perspective. When what I want is already present, there is no longer any expectation. I only ever expect something to happen that has not yet happened.

Dementia has no concept of expectation because it has no access to the future. Without access to memory, I have no ability to project a possible future and therefore, I can have no expectation of it arriving.

Without expectation, I need either charity or faith. Without faith in the future, charity is the only option left to someone with dementia. With neither faith nor expectation, there appears to be no hope for dementia patients as nothing ever changes; other than the level of charity on which they have come to depend.

Living in the present moment allows the attainment of presence. Focusing on the present moment allows the present moment to remain as the reality of the future. Having presence and being in the present moment is perfect when the present moment is perfect, unfortunately, living with dementia is a very imperfect scenario.

Living with dementia is an experience of having no foreseeable future, which means nothing ever really changes, as everything remains the same, from the perspective of someone with dementia.

The perspective of the carer can be and often is quite different. Whatever the carer expects to happen in the future will either manifest or it won’t. We cannot choose for another person and influencing the choice of a dementia patient is a very difficult thing to do.

Carers by profession need a routine. Having a good routine is what makes a professional carer professional. The greatest challenge to a professional Carer is getting the patient to follow a routine because the patient’s greatest challenge is remembering what it is.

The Golden Rule for Carers is to expect the unexpected. This is because the Golden Rule aligns with the Law of Attraction. Everything in the Universe comes into alignment with this universal Law, which state that ‘like energy unto itself is drawn’. This ensures that what we do unto others, we will experience being done unto ourself. Whatever we give out, we get back in return and whatever we think, we experience as our perspective of reality.

At the quantum level, everything is an energy vibration and at the conscious level, every thought is a different vibration of energy. Confused thinking causes a chaotic & irrational perspective of reality. Therefore, with dementia, expecting an irrational & disordered experience will never disappoint the carer.

In a dual reality world, every vibration of thought energy has a divided wavelength & an opposing gender. This creates a paradox of like attracts like and opposites attract. We all have an inclination of perspective that allows our choices to travel in different directions with opposing polarities. It is the relative perspectives of energetic polarity & gender that determines our thinking, influences our choices and allows the experience of expecting the unexpected. Expectation & disappointment are the same energy vibration with an opposing polarity. Orderly & random are opposing genders of the same vibrational energy.

We always expect our own choices to manifest or materialise into our reality. What we cannot expect is for someone else’s choices to always be in alignment with our own. We all have personal choice and we all make different choices based on our own belief about the reality that we are experiencing. We all consciously & conscientiously choose whatever is our expectation of the future, based on our personal experiences of the past. Most of our choices, we make sub-consciously, without consciously thinking about them.

The Law of Attraction is not driven by our choice but powered by our energy vibration. When I am unaware of my energy vibration, I am unaware of my point of energetic attraction. When my choices are being made sub-consciously, so is whatever is being attracted to me to experience as my reality. My experience of reality is directly in alignment with whatever I believe to be true because whatever I believe to be true, I am attracting as my reality.

My energy vibration is attracting my experience of life in direct alignment with how I am feeling about life. When I am not feeling good about life, I attract a not very good experience of life. When I do not know how I feel about life, I rely on the feelings of other people and how they are feeling about life.

This makes the emotional relationship between patient & carer of primary importance. The expectations of the carer become the expectations of the patient because the patient has no expectations of their own. The positive or negative polarity of the carer’s thinking and the gender of their emotions determine the direction of the patient’s path in either an expected or an unexpected way.

The Golden Rule is that, by the Law of Attraction, when I expect the patient to slowly decline on a critical path, they will probably not disappoint me. When I have no expectation for the patient at all, the unexpected will often occur. Expect a lost, confused & frustrated patient to cause their carer to get lost, confused & frustrated looking after them. When I have faith in allowing the patient to follow their own positive path through life, there is no reason to expect anything other than two happy and contented Souls, each fulfilling their own paths in life, together in separateness, patiently caring about each other.